UCTE  >  Activities  >  System Operation  >  operation handbook

Operation Handbook

Operation Handbook

Close co-operation of member companies is required to make the best possible use of benefits offered by interconnected operation.

Consultation Process started

The consultation of revised Operation Handbook Policies 1, 2 and 3 has started.
Please see the following page for more information.  


For this reason, the UCTE has developed a number of technical and organisational rules and recommendations in the past that constitute a common reference for smooth operation of the power system. The "UCTE Operation Handbook" is a follow-up manual to this set of rules and recommendations that have been continually developed during the decades of construction and extension of the power system since 1950, reflecting the changes which occurred in technical and political terms.

Operation Handbook for download

For the download of the Operation Handbook, pelase refer to our publications in the ressources section   .


The main intention of the "UCTE Operation Handbook" as a comprehensive collection of all relevant technical standards and recommendations is to provide support to the technical operation of the UCTE interconnected grid (synchronous areas), including operation policies for generation control, performance monitoring and reporting, reserves, security criteria and special operational measures. The basic objective of the Operation Handbook is to ensure the interoperability among all TSOs connected to the synchronous areas.

For questions concerning Operation Handbook development process and consultation process please contact Jakub Fijalkowski   , the Project Manager charged with the consultation process.

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UCTE  |  15 Boulevard Saint-Michel  |  1040 Brussels  |  Belgium
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IBAN: BE90310165874332  |  BIC: BBRUBEBB
Last changes: 2009-05-29