UCTE  >  Activities  >  Data Handling

Data Handling at UCTE

Data Handling at UCTE

Statistical data

Statistical data

This data group comprises historical information about power systems in UCTE member countries. It mainly concentrates on consumption, production, cross-border exchanges, generated capacity, commissioning and decommissioning of power plants and reliability of transmission systems, among other things.

Data Portal

Data collected by UCTE can be queried within our data portal   .


The first UC( P )TE data collections began in 1951. Since then, data collection methods, types of data, the structure and amount of data and the definition of data have been changing and developing in line with current needs.

System adequacy data

System adequacy data

Publications and Reports

Statistical publications and reports, which are based on our data collections can be found in our Publications section  


The adequacy of the UCTE system is evaluated both retrospectively and in a forecast. There are therefore two different types of system adequacy report. Retrospective data partially overlap with some statistical data. The aim of system forecast data collection is to provide a sufficient background for decisions related to balancing electricity supply and demand in UCTE control areas and control blocks for both generation and transmission.

Data for system studies

Data for system studies

The purpose of this type of data collection is to support UCTE system extension projects, system development planning and various security analyses. The data collected include technical parameters of network elements ( lines, transformers etc. ) and network topology. These data constitute inputs for various types of modelling software. There are two basic kinds of study covered by this framework: steady state analyses and dynamic analyses.

Operational data

Operational data

Operational data are mostly related to maintaining secure real time operation of the system. They include various type of metering ( frequency, power exchanges, ACE, etc. ) or Day Ahead Congestion Forecast data ( DACF ).

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UCTE  |  15 Boulevard Saint-Michel  |  1040 Brussels  |  Belgium
Company Form: AISBL  |  Reg. nr.: 21262002  |  VAT: none
IBAN: BE90310165874332  |  BIC: BBRUBEBB
Last changes: 2009-05-29