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UCTE started external consultation on revised Policies of the Operation Handbook

As part of UCTE standing procedures related to the reliability of the system, UCTE has revised the Operation Handbook Policies 1, 2 and 3 (first released in 2005). These policies are open now for public consultation at the UCTE Website.

From 2002 on and with the support of all stakeholders, UCTE developed a fully fledged security package around the “UCTE Operation Handbook” for improving the reliability of the interconnected system in Continental Europe. This handbook sets technical and organizational standards that constitute a common reference for all TSOs in UCTE for a smooth operation of the power system. Over the last years, this UCTE security package has been extended by a Multilateral Agreement (making the standards binding to TSOs by a contract) and a Compliance Monitoring Process (ensuring the continuous check on the application of the standards). This package is set to be further improved at a later stage via achieving legal enforceability. Building on the return of experiences following major disturbances in the system as well as adapting to the changing TSO operational conditions UCTE launched a revision for all Policies of the Handbook. As the revisions for the Policies 1, 2 and 3 of the Operation Handbook have been consolidated, the Policies are now open for public consultation. The consultation process is supported by an online forum where any party with an interest in the electric system reliability may post comments and suggestions. Answers by UCTE to received comments will also be posted in the forum. The consultation period for the three policies ends on 31 December 2008. Then, Policies will be revised taking into account comments collected from the consultation and submitted to the UCTE Steering Committee for final approval. Finally, UCTE draws the attention to the fact that the ongoing work on the monitoring of generators’ performance might impact the final version of Policy 1. Further revised Policies and Appendices will be published soon.


Media Release    


Links for further information:
Link to the Operation Handbook Consultation Process    



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