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Physical electricity exchange of UCTE countries

Physical electricity exchange of UCTE countries

Source: Operational data of UCTE which do not replace the statistics of the individual members.


Physical electricity exchanges 2007  
Physical electricity exchanges 2006  
Physical electricity exchanges 2005  
Physical electricity exchanges 2004  
Physical electricity exchanges 2003  
Physical electricity exchanges 2002  
Physical electricity exchanges 2001  
Physical electricity exchanges 2000  
Physical electricity exchanges 1999  
Sum of exchanges in the consumption 1975-2007  
Exchange graphs  


This data may not be used without mentioning the source: 'Data provided by UCTE'

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UCTE  |  15 Boulevard Saint-Michel  |  1040 Brussels  |  Belgium
Company Form: AISBL  |  Reg. nr.: 21262002  |  VAT: none
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Last changes: 2009-02-01