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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Hereunder, please find the most frequently asked questions concerning UCTE statistics. In case you should need some additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail, we will answer your questions as soon as possible.
Important Remarks to country information
Important Remarks to country information
German values
Please note, that the values identified by the country code "D" only cover the former Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany) until June 1995. From 07/1995 on, the country code "D" identifies values of the reunified Germany (including the 5 "Bundesländer" of the former German Democratic Republic GDR).
Slovenia and Croatia
Please note that until 1997, the Slovenian and the Croatian values have been collected together. They are identified by the country code "SH". From 1998 on, separate values are available for Slovenia "SI" on the one hand and Croatia "HR" on the other hand.
Polish values
Concerning the consumption and the production data, till the end of the year 2003 all values are gross values, since the beginning of the year 2004 PL published net values as all other UCTE countries.
Swiss values
The hourly load values of the whole year in the UCTE database are vertical load values and do not represent the complete load of the country as it is the case for all other UCTE countries. Only the hourly load values of the 3rd Wednesday, as published in the monthly reports, represent the whole load.
Serbia and Montenegro
Please note that until end of 2006, the values for Serbia and Montenegro have been collected together. They are identified by the country code "CS". From 2007 on, separate values are available for Montenegro "ME" on the one hand and Serbia "RS" on the other hand.
General information
General information
What about other electricity data?
UCTE can only answer questions related to its own data, which are all made available via internet. Therefore, no other data can be sent out or interpreted by the Secretariat.
Where can I find precise definitions of all the UCTE data?
The UCTE methodology is a central part of all our statistics. You can find the overall terminology at "General terms" in the Section "Statistics" and a very detailed methodology especially for the power balance, which becomes more and more a core report of UCTE ("
System Adequacy Terms
" in the section "Statistics").
How can I find specific data very rapidly on the web site?
The best way to get a picture of all available data is to have a look at the point "
" in the section “Publications”. In case you should need the detailed definitions of all available material, please refer to "
Statistical Terms
" or "
System Adequacy Terms
" in the section "Statistics".
The scope of UCTE data
The scope of UCTE data
What about weekend load values for the past years?
UCTE decided to make a week-end survey for load values every 10 years, starting from 2000 on. For the time being, we have just the load curves of every week-end preceding the 3rd Wednesday of each month of the year 2000 (published for instance in the Statistical Yearbook 2000)
What about load values of every day of the year?
UCTE has decided to collect a representative working day and it was agreed between all the members to collect these data for every 3rd Wednesday of each month. Since January 2006, UCTE collects Hourly load values for every day. CET (Central European Time) is used for collecting this data.
Does UCTE publish information about reserve (primary and secondary) capacities?
For the time being, UCTE is not collecting data on primary and secondary reserve.
Does UCTE collect information on outage plans and grid reliability and unavailability?
Outage information are not available at UCTE level. Concerning reliability and unavailability issues, they are part of new chapters of the Monthly Statistics from January 2002 on.
Where can I find similar information upon other geographical areas?
If you are looking for similar data from other geographical areas, please contact other TSO associations such as
(Scandinavian grids), UKTSOA (Great Britain), ATSOI (Ireland) or
(North America). Concerning NORDEL and UCTE statistics, you will find an overview showing comparable data published in both associations at "Overview" in the section "Publications".
Where can I find detailed production-related data?
In the past (see former Statistical Yearbooks), UCTE published more production-oriented data. To meet unbundling requirements, UCTE is now focusing all its activities on TSO issues. Therefore, all production-related data have been transferred to
What about commercial information (prices, scheduled exchanges, free trading capacity on international tie lines)?
UCTE is not mandated to intervene in commercial aspects of its members. The association is co-ordinating the TSO-activities in order to ensure a secure and reliable operation of the interconnected system. Therefore, commercial data such as prices are not collected at UCTE level. The only economic data published by UCTE are some aggregated values on scheduled exchanges, which you can find on the Monthly Statistics from January 1st on
"Transmission capacities of interconnections in Europe (NTC values) could be found at".
Understanding UCTE data
Understanding UCTE data
How can I get more data and information about a specific UCTE country?
UCTE is collecting all its country-related data from its national correspondents. Their names and e-mail addresses are published in the introduction of the Statistical Yearbook. To get more detailed information on their values, please contact them directly.
How can I check that my understanding of data is correct?
UCTE is collecting all its country-related data from its national correspondents and is not mandated to interpret their values. To get more background information, please contact directly our national correspondents. They are all listed with their e-mail addresses in the introduction of the
Statistical Yearbook
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